Assessment Systems
CT Competency System (CCS) and Comprehensive Adult Student Assessment Systems (CASAS)
The Connecticut Competency System (CCS) is a uniform, standards-based assessment and instructional system that is implemented by Adult Education programs and other state agencies that share a common client base. It provides a comprehensive framework for a common core of competencies that youth and adults need to be fully proficient, lead productive lives, and improve their ability to reach self-sufficiency. Adult Education programs funded by the Connecticut State Department of Education, Academic Office - Adult Education are required to utilize the procedures outlined in the CCS Assessment Policies and Guidelines.
The CCS is based on the framework developed by the Comprehensive Adult Student Assessment System (CASAS). The CASAS system is more than a series of assessments; it is a system that links:
Curriculum (CASAS Competencies and Content Standards)
Based on competencies and content standards that youth and adults need to function effectively in society. CASAS assessments measure an individual’s ability to apply basic literacy, numeracy, and communication skills to perform the competencies.
Assessment (CASAS standardized assessments)
Yields valid and reliable results and are approved for reporting progress through the National Reporting System (NRS) educational functioning levels. CASAS’ consortium approach also offers training and support to member states and provides practitioners with opportunities for involvement in the test development process.
Instruction (e.g. the Quick Search software)
Consultants and staff are on hand to offer guidance, help with finding resources, and assist in strategic planning, etc.
In accordance with CASAS assessment and implementation guidelines, CT requires recertification every two (2) years of all staff involved with testing, both paper/pencil and eTesting. Learn More
Data-Driven Framework for Program Improvement and Accountability
Accountability processes ensure that public resources serve the needs of each community effectively, and help to create a better learning environment for students. The Connecticut Competency System (CCS) and the Literacy, Adult, and Community Education System (LACES) which are detailed above serve as the backbone of CT Adult Education’s data-driven accountability and program improvement framework.
Each Adult Education provider is evaluated on a range of program quality measures that include recruitment, retention, assessment, goal-setting, and performance. The results of this evaluation inform the Department of Education's on-site monitoring process and guide other statewide and local program improvement and technical assistance efforts.
Tracking of Programs and Students (TOPS)
TOPS is software that assists programs by automatically scoring standardized assessments and providing numerous reports for aligning assessments to instruction.
Workforce Investment and Opportunity Act Common Measures
The Department of Education assists the Department of Labor and the regional workforce investment boards in the development of policy and procedures for the implementation of the CCS standards in order to meet the requirements of the Literacy and Numeracy Gains common measure for out-of-school youth, and the basic skills testing of all WIOA Youth program participants (see CT DOL Memoranda AP 06-10). ​​
​Math GOALS 2 measures academic and higher-order math skills. The series is a balance of life skills and workplace-related math with content of practical use to adults. | Learn More
STEPS for ESL assessment is aligned with the English Language Proficiency (ELP) Standards for Adult Education and includes 5 test levels to support improved accuracy resulting in better student outcomes.
Reading | Learn More
Listening | Learn More
Computer-Based Testing
Adult Education programs utilize CASAS eTests, a computer-adaptive locator, which immediately places students into the appropriate level intact CASAS pre- and post-test forms to measure progress.
​CASAS National News and Updates Webinars
​Be sure to register for the CASAS National News and Updates Webinars. There are informational overviews and updates on new CASAS assessments, guidelines, and training resources. Registration is required ... visit the website to register or view previously recorded webinars.
Professional Development
CASAS Remote Testing | Presentation | Video
Professional Learning Resources
CASAS eTests System Requirements | Website​
CCS Assessment Policies and Guidelines | Resource
CASAS Competencies | Website
CASAS Content Standards | Website
CASAS Remote Testing | Website​