Career Navigator
A Career Navigator is a dedicated and knowledgeable professional who guides and supports adult learners in their journey to identify, pursue, and achieve their career goals. This role involves providing personalized guidance, resources, and assistance to help individuals make informed decisions about their education, training, and career pathways.​
Career Navigators should:
Be working within their organizations to create an overarching plan for transition to careers. This includes the transition to postsecondary education and/or training.
Be working with the community – employers and community resources.
Be working with the local Workforce Investment Boards (WIB).
Share information about employment, training, and other career-related opportunities.
Finding True North: The Role of the Navigator
Self-paced online course!
This course identifies the types of support that adult learners need to be truly prepared for college and careers. It introduces the core functions and responsibilities of a Navigator, such as coordinating and providing services that supplement academic instruction – which have been found to aid student persistence and success. It also introduces the core competencies of effective Navigators, advising approaches and styles, and Navigator program design elements to consider.
Professional Learning Resources
National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES) Foreign Credential Translation Services | Resource
Serving Internationally Training Professionals | Resource
Department of Labor (DOL)
Upwardly Global | Website
Synergy Texas | Website​
World Education Services (WES) | Website
Briefs on Career Navigation
Career Navigators in Adult Education: What Experts Say About Their Role and How to Support Their Success | Resource
The Role of Navigators in IELCE/IET Career Pathways | Resource
Professional Development
Opportunities in the Midst of Uncertainty - Current labor market information and resources to explore careers, identify necessary job skills, connect with employers, and find employment and training opportunities. | Presentation​
SNAP CT Pathways | Presentation
Navigating Pathways Online Series: Adult Education Directors and Career Navigators | Presentation
Transitions to Post-Secondary Education | Presentation | Video​
Consultants and staff are on hand to offer guidance, help with finding resources, and assist in strategic planning, etc.
Career Compass
Career Compass is a new publication designed to provide Career Navigators with practical tools, innovative ideas, and real-world solutions to enhance your work.
Click HERE to view issues!
Key Competencies for Career Navigators

Knowledge of the adult learner population. Skills for working with adult learners.​
Knowledge of resources available to learners. Skills to build and maintain strong partnerships.
Knowledge of career pwathways. Skills to help learners make informed decisions.
Knowledge of learners skills that can lead to success. Skills to support lkearner's skills building.